When it comes to online marketing, blogging is one of the best tools for content marketing. As consumers are reading blogs more often, the influence of blogs in decision making is growing. If you don’t have a blog, you’re practically sending potential patients away. Find more patients, educate those you have and build up your practice’s reputation by jumping into the blogging world. This advertising investment might be the best one you make all year long.
The Benefits of Blogging
What benefits can blogging bring to your practice? There’s too many to list them all, but check out a few of the benefits below. Which would be of the most help to your practice?
- Attract New Patients- What’s the first thing you do when you need information? If you’re like most people you probably turn to the internet. Having a blog will help attract new patients and not just locally. You’d be surprised how many people are willing to travel for unique services and top quality cosmetic procedures. Your future patients are online and if they don’t find your blog, they will probably find the blog of one of your competitors and choose their practice instead.
- Build SEO– Do you want potential patients to find your website? There’s a lot of competition out there when it comes to search engine rankings. A blog is a great medium for creating and sharing quality content. Search engines love good information; if you share it, potential patients will find you.
- Spreads the Word Nationwide– Do you want to be featured in a magazine? Are you hoping for an appearance on a national TV show? Blogging gets your name out there, helping people that need industry and local experts to find you. If you want exposure, both in your hometown and beyond, you need a blog.
- Never Run Out of Social Media Content Again– Do you have a Facebook page? Do you struggle to find content to share? Social media is a valuable marketing tool, but it’s also a fickle one. If you aren’t sharing content often, you aren’t getting your message out there. A blog provides valuable content that you can easily share. This content will do more than just reach out to current followers. As your contacts “Like”, “Share” and “Tweet” the helpful content you create, you will build exposure and spread the word about your business.
How Do You Get Started?
Are the benefits of blogging too good to pass up? Are you ready to start a blog for your practice? Your first priority is making sure that the content you post is high quality content. Create blog posts that educate, inform and help your readers. If you need an easy idea for creating great blogs consider using curated content to get started. Post often and regularly, at least every week or two if not more often. Make sure you also keep in contact with your readers, responding to questions, comments and social media shares. The more you interact with those sharing your message, the more likely they are to share again. What are you waiting for? New patients are out there and ready to find you; is your blog ready for them? Every medical and beauty practice should have a blog.